




 * Adapter Design Pattern
 * Intent: Provides a unified interface that allows objects with incompatible
 * interfaces to collaborate.
 * Example: The Adapter pattern allows you to use 3rd-party or legacy classes
 * even if they are incompatible with the bulk of your code. For example,
 * instead of rewriting the notification interface of your app to support each
 * 3rd-party service such as Slack, Facebook, SMS or (you-name-it), you can
 * create a set of special wrappers that adapt calls from your app to an
 * interface and format required by each 3rd-party class.

 * The Target interface represents the interface that your application's classes
 * already follow.
interface Notification
    public function send(string $title, string $message);

 * Here's an example of the existing class that follows the Target interface.
 * The truth is that many real apps may not have this interface clearly defined.
 * If you're in that boat, your best bet would be to extend the Adapter from one
 * of your application's existing classes. If that's awkward (for instance,
 * SlackNotification doesn't feel like a subclass of EmailNotification), then
 * extracting an interface should be your first step.
class EmailNotification implements Notification
    private $adminEmail;

    public function __construct(string $adminEmail)
        $this->adminEmail = $adminEmail;

    public function send(string $title, string $message): void
        mail($this->adminEmail, $title, $message);
        echo "Sent email with title '$title' to '{$this->adminEmail}' that says '$message'.";

 * The Adaptee is some useful class, incompatible with the Target interface. You
 * can't just go in and change the code of the class to follow the Target
 * interface, since the code might be provided by a 3rd-party library.
class SlackApi
    private $login;
    private $apiKey;

    public function __construct(string $login, string $apiKey)
        $this->login = $login;
        $this->apiKey = $apiKey;

    public function logIn(): void
        // Send authentication request to Slack web service.
        echo "Logged in to a slack account '{$this->login}'.\n";

    public function sendMessage(string $chatId, string $message): void
        // Send message post request to Slack web service.
        echo "Posted following message into the '$chatId' chat: '$message'.\n";

 * The Adapter is a class that links the Target interface and the Adaptee class.
 * In this case, it allows the application to send notifications using Slack
 * API.
class SlackNotification implements Notification
    private $slack;
    private $chatId;

    public function __construct(SlackApi $slack, string $chatId)
        $this->slack = $slack;
        $this->chatId = $chatId;

     * An Adapter is not only capable of adapting interfaces, but it can also
     * convert incoming data to the format required by the Adaptee.
    public function send(string $title, string $message): void
        $slackMessage = "#" . $title . "# " . strip_tags($message);
        $this->slack->sendMessage($this->chatId, $slackMessage);

 * The client code can work with any class that follows the Target interface.
function clientCode(Notification $notification)
    // ...

    echo $notification->send("Website is down!",
        "<strong style='color:red;font-size: 50px;'>Alert!</strong> " .
        "Our website is not responding. Call admins and bring it up!");

    // ...

echo "Client code is designed correctly and works with email notifications:\n";
$notification = new EmailNotification("developers@example.com");
echo "\n\n";

echo "The same client code can work with other classes via adapter:\n";
$slackApi = new SlackApi("example.com", "XXXXXXXX");
$notification = new SlackNotification($slackApi, "Example.com Developers");